Sri Lanka Social Security Board established by an Act of parliament No.17. of the 1996 and subsequently amended ACT, No. 33 of 1999. Pension and social security benefit schemes were introduced by an extraordinary Gazette Notification of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka dated 25th September 2006 bearing the number 1464/5.The role of Sri Lanka Social Security Board is to provide pension and social security benefits to those who are not entitled to a government pension.
Any member in the society could obtain a membership from the head office, District offices and Divisional Secretariats offices of Sri Lanka Social Security Board or from Grama Niladhari Officers or from any other officer to whom the responsibility has been entrusted by the Sri Lanka Social Security Board.

Social Security Award Ceremony - Badulla 2023.08.04
Social Security Award Ceremony - Gampaha 2023.07.07
A discussion to promote the "Kalakaru" pension system 2024.04.24
Social Security Award Ceremony - Nuwara Eliya 2023.04.03
Sri Lanka Social Security Board Annual Reports