Enrollment can be done through,
- Grama Niladhari
- Samurdhi Development Officer
- Divisional Secretariat
- SLSSB – District Office
- SLSSB – Head Office
- Other Officers Authorized by SLSSB
Premium collection can be paid,
- Government Bank – (BOC, Peoples Bank, NSB)
- Post Office
- Authorized Grama Niladhari
- Divisional Secretariat
- SLSSB – District Office
- SLSSB – Head Office

"Surekuma "Scheme is for those who are in 18 – 59 years of age. The members could join for any amount of pension. The pension payment starts from age 60. The pension amount and the payment option could be decided by the member on their desire.

“Arassawa” scheme is a pre plan pension scheme for the children under 18 years of age. As when the child complete age of 18 , they automatically transfer to the ‘Surekuma’ scheme. Membership is given under the guardianships and payments has to do only until 18 years of age.

“Manusavi”scheme is for the migrant workers who are in 18 -59 years of age the members can choose the payment option according to the period of time they working abroad. The pension starts from age 60. The pension amount and the payment option could be decided by the member on their desire.

Budu puth mapiya harasara
A pension and social scheme called Buduputhmapiyaharasara is being implemented for the parents of respected buddhist monk and dasasilmatha

Kalakaru schema is for the artist in 23-55 years of age they can decide the pension amount and the premium payment method as of their wish. After Computation of the our membership SLSSB open at an individual fix deposit worth rs 50,000/- for each member. The lump sum amount in the fix deposit will be given to the artist along with his first pension.

A special Social security scheme introduced for the Seafarers. In Accordance with the International Labors Organization's Maritime Labor Convention 2006 retified by Sri Lanka and the regulations enacted under the Merchant Shipping Act No 52of1971